Sacred Thoughts
Sacred Thoughts Podcast
Podcast Episode 3: Understanding the Narrative-Historical Method

Podcast Episode 3: Understanding the Narrative-Historical Method

Yesterday I had New Testament theologian Andrew Perriman on the podcast.

Yesterday I was able to host Andrew Perriman on the podcast. He is a New Testament theologian, lecturer at London School of Theology, has written multiple books, and has been part of a church planting network called Communitas International.

On the show we discuss what is known as the narrative-historical method when it comes to interpreting the Scriptures. It will be a great challenge to our typical evangelical approach, but one I think is worth chewing over in order to better read the Bible.

Just as a note, the language gets very technical from a theological standpoint.

You can check out Andrew’s work at

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Sacred Thoughts
Sacred Thoughts Podcast
Sacred thoughts on theology, spiritual formation, mental health, mission and culture.